Smart Doll
Resilient (Tea)
Smart Doll
Resilient (Tea)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2022/06/03
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は TEA TEA
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollresilient
Resilient is back with - this time in the G07 sculpt.
Resilient is back with - this time in the G07 sculpt.
Say hello to Resilient. She symbolizes the will to quickly recover from the hardships that life throws at us. While encountering poop hitting the fan is part of our journey through life - we have freedom to choose how we deal with it.
Have you heard the term Fight or Flight Response? It’s a term used to describe two inherent choices that we can make when faced with danger - we can either fight off the threat or run away (flight) from the threat. There are actually two more terms - freeze or forfeit. We can also choose to freeze (hoping the threat doesn’t notice us) or forfeit which basically means “ok I give up - I can’t run or hide or fight you so you can eat me alive”.
Maintaining a will to recover quick from something lousy that happened is vital to building a life and career for yourself - but this can’t be done if you run away, do nothing or give up - this leaves you with only one choice which is to fight and forge forward. Resilient is a reminder to bounce back and fight on as all other options will leave you with nothing.
Have you heard the term Fight or Flight Response? It’s a term used to describe two inherent choices that we can make when faced with danger - we can either fight off the threat or run away (flight) from the threat. There are actually two more terms - freeze or forfeit. We can also choose to freeze (hoping the threat doesn’t notice us) or forfeit which basically means “ok I give up - I can’t run or hide or fight you so you can eat me alive”.
Maintaining a will to recover quick from something lousy that happened is vital to building a life and career for yourself - but this can’t be done if you run away, do nothing or give up - this leaves you with only one choice which is to fight and forge forward. Resilient is a reminder to bounce back and fight on as all other options will leave you with nothing.
「闘争・逃走反応」(Fight or Flight Response)という言葉を聞いたことがあるだろうか。これは、危険に直面した時に選択可能な2つの本能的行動を表すのに使われる言葉だ。戦って危険を打ち負かすこともできれば、危険から逃げる(逃走する)こともできる。実はこのような言葉はもう2つある。硬直・敗北(Freeze, Forfeit)だ。(危険な存在に見つからないことを願って)硬直することもできるし、敗北を選ぶこともできる。敗北を選ぶとは基本的に、「もう諦めるしかない。逃げたり隠れたり立ち
「闘争・逃走反応」(Fight or Flight Response)という言葉を聞いたことがあるだろうか。これは、危険に直面した時に選択可能な2つの本能的行動を表すのに使われる言葉だ。戦って危険を打ち負かすこともできれば、危険から逃げる(逃走する)こともできる。実はこのような言葉はもう2つある。硬直・敗北(Freeze, Forfeit)だ。(危険な存在に見つからないことを願って)硬直することもできるし、敗北を選ぶこともできる。敗北を選ぶとは基本的に、「もう諦めるしかない。逃げたり隠れたり立ち

Smart Doll - Resilient (Tea)
Smart Doll - Resilient (Tea)