Time Sale タイムセール
Tick Tock! When the timer runs out, prices usually return to what they originally were but some items may stay at the discounted price. Some items may go out of stock during the sale or return to its original price *before* the timer runs out due to depletion of current stock.
Shipping time may take longer than usual for preparation during the time sale storm. We do not ship on weekends or public holidays.
If you don't see any products here it means that there are no Time Sales running at this time. Check Danny's Twitter account to find out when the next one is!
Also, if you are in the collage then let us know when you make an order.
ここに商品が表示していなければ、タイムセールの商品は・・・現在ないということですね^^ 次回はダニーのTwitterで発表します。
Sorry, there are no products in this collection Sorry, there are no products in this collection