NXL2 Bust (Green)
NXL2 Bust (Green)
- Designed for the Classic Body Designed for the Classic Body
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2025/03/05
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Learn why this item can only be used with Smart Doll このアイテムはスマートドール専用です
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は GREEN GREEN
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdolloptionparts
The New XL 2 (NX2) bust is a refined version of its predecessor, featuring subtle shape adjustments and a slight increase in volume—while still maintaining its size to ensure it fits in the overhead compartment.
The bewbs have been gently squished together, increasing the valley depth to resemble Beggars Canyon. Meanwhile, the headlights have been fine-tuned for improved lighting conditions and overall safety. For reference, the label on the bag reads NX2.
The New XL 2 (NX2) bust is a refined version of its predecessor, featuring subtle shape adjustments and a slight increase in volume—while still maintaining its size to ensure it fits in the overhead compartment.
The bewbs have been gently squished together, increasing the valley depth to resemble Beggars Canyon. Meanwhile, the headlights have been fine-tuned for improved lighting conditions and overall safety. For reference, the label on the bag reads NX2.
Bewb Bubbles
Air pockets and pinholes naturally occur in all bust parts during the casting process. These can result from trapped air in the vinyl or imperfections on the inner mold surface. Pinholes are small surface voids, while air pockets may be covered by a thin layer of vinyl, sometimes breaking through over time. They vary in size and may not be immediately visible, but they are always present to some degree. Their visibility is random, making each piece unique. You can learn more about the slush casting process in the Knowledge Base.
We do not consider these surface characteristics to be defects, though we understand that some may feel differently. If this is a concern, we strongly advise reconsidering the purchase.
Bewb Bubbles
Air pockets and pinholes naturally occur in all bust parts during the casting process. These can result from trapped air in the vinyl or imperfections on the inner mold surface. Pinholes are small surface voids, while air pockets may be covered by a thin layer of vinyl, sometimes breaking through over time. They vary in size and may not be immediately visible, but they are always present to some degree. Their visibility is random, making each piece unique. You can learn more about the slush casting process in the Knowledge Base.
We do not consider these surface characteristics to be defects, though we understand that some may feel differently. If this is a concern, we strongly advise reconsidering the purchase.