Nice T-Shirt
Nice T-Shirt
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- Shipped out from Tokyo within 15 business days 15営業日以内に発送 (送料日本全国一律)
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- Release Date 発売日 - 2018/08/22
- Made in Kyushu Japan 日本産 (九州)
- Learn why this item can only be used with Smart Doll このアイテムはスマートドール専用です
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- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdolltops
94% Cotton, 6% Polyurethane
However what I wanted was challenging for our apparel team to come up with - due to the low collar, the first prototypes came out with flimsy sleeves which would slip down all the time. We added binding around the collar to reinforce it but it looked odd. After many prototypes I think we finally nailed it - the result is a rather Nice T-shirt.
Looks especially good on the default S bust but also good with the Medium Smooth & Large Smooth. As with many of our tight fitting tops - do note that wearing on large busts will stretch the material and may look saggy if you are going to wear it on a small bust after. Washing the tee in cold water will shrink it but it will be smaller than the original size.
I recommend to use with either the S Bust or Medium Smooth in public or you may be the cause of traffic accidents from turning heads.