Cargo Pants (Charcoal) [Pear Body]
Cargo Pants (Charcoal) [Pear Body]
- Designed for the Pear Body Designed for the Pear Body
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Shipped out from Tokyo within 15 business days 15営業日以内に発送 (送料日本全国一律)
- Learn about weathered items ユーズド加工についてはこちら
- Stain Risk (Medium) (learn more) 色移りリスク (中) (これは何?)
- Learn about Warranty & Returns Learn about Warranty & Returns
- Learn why you should not buy this ご購入の前に必ずこちらをお読みください
- Release Date 発売日 - 2023/12/20
- Made in Gifu Japan Made in Gifu Japan
- Learn why this item can only be used with Smart Doll このアイテムはスマートドール専用です
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollbottoms
97% Cotton, 3% Polyurethane
Designed by Maruko Halu and crafted in Gifu, Japan, these Cargo Pants have an interesting origin. Initially conceptualized as ski wear, their design captivated me so much that I was inspired to adapt them for more versatile use. With a few modifications and a stone-washing process, these pants are now perfectly suited for both urban adventures and outdoor escapades. They even look great in snowy settings too ;-)
Do note that the Kraken will do a peekaboo if your Smart Doll is not wearing undies or stain-prevention leggings. Also, keep in mind that wearing anything underneath the cargo pants can cause bunching around the crotch, which tends to impact the articulation, especially when seated.
Designed by Maruko Halu and crafted in Gifu, Japan, these Cargo Pants have an interesting origin. Initially conceptualized as ski wear, their design captivated me so much that I was inspired to adapt them for more versatile use. With a few modifications and a stone-washing process, these pants are now perfectly suited for both urban adventures and outdoor escapades. They even look great in snowy settings too ;-)
Do note that the Kraken will do a peekaboo if your Smart Doll is not wearing undies or stain-prevention leggings. Also, keep in mind that wearing anything underneath the cargo pants can cause bunching around the crotch, which tends to impact the articulation, especially when seated.