Smart Doll
Smart Doll
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Shipped out from Tokyo within 15 business days 15営業日以内に発送 (送料日本全国一律)
- Decommissioning Soon (learn more) 廃盤予定
- Learn about Warranty & Returns Learn about Warranty & Returns
- Learn why you should not buy this ご購入の前に必ずこちらをお読みください
- Release Date 発売日 - 2023/07/13
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は CINNAMON CINNAMON
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollundiminished
In a world where surrender is often the fashion,
Rises a spirit of undiminished passion.
An ember of fire, an undying gleam,
She stands as a beacon, a fervent dream.
Undiminished enthusiasm lights her way,
Breaking the night, inviting the day.
An undiminished belief guides her soul,
In the book of life, she plays a leading role.
She gazes upon the barriers tall,
Each one a challenge, a clarion call.
With undiminished focus, she scales the wall,
Unyielding, unbroken, she stands tall.
The greater the opposition, the wilder the storm,
Yet in her heart, an unwavering form.
The let downs are massive, the disappointments grand,
But she, Undiminished, makes her stand.
Even when life gets messier than planned,
With the slushiest poop hitting the fan,
Her spirit untarnished, unblemished, undimmed,
She is Undiminished, in resilience rimmed.
She is the symbol, the essence, the reality,
Of the courage it takes to embrace vitality.
To transform your dreams from the ephemeral haze,
She is the undying flame, the eternal blaze.
So when you journey, amid joy and strife,
And the waves of challenge are rife,
Remember Undiminished, her spirit so free,
In the name of her strength, you too can be.
Rises a spirit of undiminished passion.
An ember of fire, an undying gleam,
She stands as a beacon, a fervent dream.
Undiminished enthusiasm lights her way,
Breaking the night, inviting the day.
An undiminished belief guides her soul,
In the book of life, she plays a leading role.
She gazes upon the barriers tall,
Each one a challenge, a clarion call.
With undiminished focus, she scales the wall,
Unyielding, unbroken, she stands tall.
The greater the opposition, the wilder the storm,
Yet in her heart, an unwavering form.
The let downs are massive, the disappointments grand,
But she, Undiminished, makes her stand.
Even when life gets messier than planned,
With the slushiest poop hitting the fan,
Her spirit untarnished, unblemished, undimmed,
She is Undiminished, in resilience rimmed.
She is the symbol, the essence, the reality,
Of the courage it takes to embrace vitality.
To transform your dreams from the ephemeral haze,
She is the undying flame, the eternal blaze.
So when you journey, amid joy and strife,
And the waves of challenge are rife,
Remember Undiminished, her spirit so free,
In the name of her strength, you too can be.
In a world where surrender is often the fashion,
Rises a spirit of undiminished passion.
An ember of fire, an undying gleam,
She stands as a beacon, a fervent dream.
Undiminished enthusiasm lights her way,
Breaking the night, inviting the day.
An undiminished belief guides her soul,
In the book of life, she plays a leading role.
She gazes upon the barriers tall,
Each one a challenge, a clarion call.
With undiminished focus, she scales the wall,
Unyielding, unbroken, she stands tall.
The greater the opposition, the wilder the storm,
Yet in her heart, an unwavering form.
The let downs are massive, the disappointments grand,
But she, Undiminished, makes her stand.
Even when life gets messier than planned,
With the slushiest poop hitting the fan,
Her spirit untarnished, unblemished, undimmed,
She is Undiminished, in resilience rimmed.
She is the symbol, the essence, the reality,
Of the courage it takes to embrace vitality.
To transform your dreams from the ephemeral haze,
She is the undying flame, the eternal blaze.
So when you journey, amid joy and strife,
And the waves of challenge are rife,
Remember Undiminished, her spirit so free,
In the name of her strength, you too can be.
Rises a spirit of undiminished passion.
An ember of fire, an undying gleam,
She stands as a beacon, a fervent dream.
Undiminished enthusiasm lights her way,
Breaking the night, inviting the day.
An undiminished belief guides her soul,
In the book of life, she plays a leading role.
She gazes upon the barriers tall,
Each one a challenge, a clarion call.
With undiminished focus, she scales the wall,
Unyielding, unbroken, she stands tall.
The greater the opposition, the wilder the storm,
Yet in her heart, an unwavering form.
The let downs are massive, the disappointments grand,
But she, Undiminished, makes her stand.
Even when life gets messier than planned,
With the slushiest poop hitting the fan,
Her spirit untarnished, unblemished, undimmed,
She is Undiminished, in resilience rimmed.
She is the symbol, the essence, the reality,
Of the courage it takes to embrace vitality.
To transform your dreams from the ephemeral haze,
She is the undying flame, the eternal blaze.
So when you journey, amid joy and strife,
And the waves of challenge are rife,
Remember Undiminished, her spirit so free,
In the name of her strength, you too can be.