Smart Doll
Smart Doll
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2023/08/18
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は CINNAMON CINNAMON
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollpower
In a world where challenges would tower,
Stands a fierce girl named "Power."
With every hurdle, her spirit never cowers,
As she blossoms and blooms like a radiant flower.
They tried to dim her radiant light,
But Power's will would always ignite.
For every wrong, she'd make a right,
Ascending higher, in her destined flight.
Whispers of doubt, a constant drone,
But Power's strength was all her own.
Through every storm she has known,
She remains unyielding, her essence shown.
In the face of adversity, she'd never fold,
For her heart is fiery, brave, and bold.
Against the tide, her story's told,
Of a girl named "Power", whose dreams she'd uphold.
Stands a fierce girl named "Power."
With every hurdle, her spirit never cowers,
As she blossoms and blooms like a radiant flower.
They tried to dim her radiant light,
But Power's will would always ignite.
For every wrong, she'd make a right,
Ascending higher, in her destined flight.
Whispers of doubt, a constant drone,
But Power's strength was all her own.
Through every storm she has known,
She remains unyielding, her essence shown.
In the face of adversity, she'd never fold,
For her heart is fiery, brave, and bold.
Against the tide, her story's told,
Of a girl named "Power", whose dreams she'd uphold.
In a world where challenges would tower,
Stands a fierce girl named "Power."
With every hurdle, her spirit never cowers,
As she blossoms and blooms like a radiant flower.
They tried to dim her radiant light,
But Power's will would always ignite.
For every wrong, she'd make a right,
Ascending higher, in her destined flight.
Whispers of doubt, a constant drone,
But Power's strength was all her own.
Through every storm she has known,
She remains unyielding, her essence shown.
In the face of adversity, she'd never fold,
For her heart is fiery, brave, and bold.
Against the tide, her story's told,
Of a girl named "Power", whose dreams she'd uphold.
Stands a fierce girl named "Power."
With every hurdle, her spirit never cowers,
As she blossoms and blooms like a radiant flower.
They tried to dim her radiant light,
But Power's will would always ignite.
For every wrong, she'd make a right,
Ascending higher, in her destined flight.
Whispers of doubt, a constant drone,
But Power's strength was all her own.
Through every storm she has known,
She remains unyielding, her essence shown.
In the face of adversity, she'd never fold,
For her heart is fiery, brave, and bold.
Against the tide, her story's told,
Of a girl named "Power", whose dreams she'd uphold.

Smart Doll - Power
Smart Doll - Power