Smart Doll
Gaia (Cortex Kit)
Smart Doll
Gaia (Cortex Kit)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2019/07/21
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は TEA TEA
- Apparel set details live here アパレルセットの内容はこちらで確認できます
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollgaiacortex
Please do not buy this product because you were after a "cheap" Smart Doll - there is nothing cheap about buying something and regretting it afterwards. No warranty, instructions or guidance whatsoever is included. These kits are for veteran model builders.
Before buying a Cortex DIY Kit, you are required to agree with these terms that you must read. In a court of law, "I didn't read the terms" does not have legs to stand on. I am trying my best to dissuade you from buying these kits and only folks with the utmost confidence in their creative skills should consider purchasing.
Do note that only these kits don't come with the Sports Bra which are displayed in the photos because Gaia was too shy to show you her birthday suit.