Smart Doll
Smart Doll
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2019/03/16
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は TEA TEA
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollgaia
During my corporate years I used to serve as Website Manager at Amazon. My responsibilities where working with my peers on the management team to figure out priorities of resource allocating and rolling out consumer-facing website features.
Occasionally I would get friends asking me “Hey Danny, somebody asked me about making a website for their business and I told them that you look after the Amazon site so you must know a thing or two about it?”
At the time I wasn’t really interested in taking on extra work as I was content with my job at Amazon and also had quite a bit of side income from making affiliate websites. So to the first request, I said “OK, if you really want a website then it's going to cost you X million yen.”
To my surprise, they said yes. I wasn’t about to say no to a few million yen (1 million yen = about 10,000 USD at the time) to make a website so I took the job - I remember running around on the trains to meet the client after work and walking up a hill on a Summers evening in Meguro wondering where all this was going to lead.
After a while, more and more requests came my way but it came to the point where I couldn’t handle my main job at Amazon while making websites at night so, with the help of Google Sensei, I put together a team of developers and designers who worked for me remotely. Now I was doing more project management than programming or designing.
With all the extra income, I would have been crazy to declare just my earnings in the annual income tax return - I needed to declare my expenses too as I was effectively running a company on the side so I founded my first business entity which was a sole proprietorship.
A sole proprietorship enables one to declare not only their earnings but also their expenses too. For example, If I use 25% of my home as an office, I can declare 25% of my rent/mortgage. I use my Internet connection for 90% of my work so I declare 90% of the cost as an expense.
By declaring your expenses, the amount of tax you pay is reduced as you only pay tax on the profits.
If you make 1000 USD a year and don't declare your expenses then you will pay tax on that 1000 USD. If you declare your expenses as being 800 USD and assume that your total income was 1000 USD, then you only pay tax on the difference which is 200 USD. I can’t emphasize this more enough - if you are earning any income on the side you should declare it (its called “the law”) but you must declare your expenses too (its called “being smart”). Go ask Google Sensei about “Sole Proprietorship” and learn more.
If you got a full-time job (like I did at Amazon) and earn on the side (selling stuff on Etsy etc) then you’ll declare the combined amount of income. In my case, I was paying too much tax compared to my expenses so the tax office actually returned what I overpaid. I would not have got that money back if I didn’t declare my side income or expenses - if you play fair then the tax office plays fair too.
Anyway, by this time I knew that I wanted to have my own company later in life and gave myself a goal of setting up a company by the age of 35. The sole proprietorship was the beginning of everything and it was to be our future. I called it "Mirai" which means "The Future."
I eventually moved to Microsoft which was the last time I was to work for others - I really wanted to do my own thing and so I left corporate life to start my own company. My sole proprietorship Mirai became an incorporated company and I started off by doing web consulting for companies like Disney Japan and Columbia Japan.
In the meantime, I was preparing a platform that would help me scale the business with little wo/man power. My vision was to have a single platform that could do everything from e-commerce to communities to publishing. This means that the only difference between client A and client B's site are a bunch of settings and some CSS and PHP templates. I called the platform “Mirai Gaia.”
“Gaia” is an Ancient Greek poetic word meaning “Earth” - my vision was for the platform to be used by clients around the world.
I made a decent amount of cash during my corporate life from the side business and I thought that it wasn’t going to be that difficult to sell Mirai Gaia seeing as I was able to previously make millions of yen from one website. With a powerful platform such as Mirai Gaia - I was sure that I could use my connections to sell at least one license of Mirai Gaia per month. How wrong could I have been…
By 2007, nobody wanted a website when they could achieve the very same thing on social media using services like Facebook. I remember making countless mockups and doing the rounds visiting companies to try to sell them the platform but nobody was interested. During this time I was writing about life in Japan on my blog at but I didn’t really talk about the difficulties.
I hired somebody who quickly lost interest in my company vision. They ended up not doing much apart from spending time on Flickr and getting me to pay other developers to do the work that they should have been doing. I would argue with my wife protecting this person even though I knew very well that they were not doing any work. I was afraid that if I let them go then my company would end up being in the 90% of startups that fail.
My wife and I even discussed selling the house to keep the company running. I remember taking a walk one evening by myself to clear my mind. My body felt heavy and the thought crossed my mind that I should just stop walking and collapse to the floor and just lay there. The light at the end of the tunnel was as dim as it could be.
But then I remembered - "Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow - it always does" is something that I always preached to my readers but why didn’t I live by it myself? Back at my desk at home I said aloud to myself “Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow - it always does. Something always leads to something. Nothing always leads to nothing.”
The light at the end of the tunnel got a little brighter but I still didn’t know how long the tunnel was. As long as I could see the light however I kept going and doing what I did as I knew it would lead to something.
Good Smile Company is a maker of figurines - many may know of their Nendoroid series. I met the boss Aki-san through my writings of his products on and we became good friends ever since. He even made a Nendoroid of my mascot Mirai Suenaga ;-)
I said to Aki-san, “Let me build the Good Smile Company website - I will do it for free. Maybe just send me a figure or two every month.”
Aki agreed and we launched on Mirai Gaia - to this day it still runs on the platform. With the news that a reputable company like Good Smile Company was using Mirai Gaia, other anime-related companies also wanted a slice of Mirai Gaia and eventually, I had paying clients such as Konami, Kadokawa, Bushiroad, King Records, Dentsu, Sega Sammy and Ascii Media Works.
The peak of the Mirai Gaia client count signaled the beginning of my next life project which was to profoundly change everything once again. That project was called “Smart Doll.”
Without Mirai Gaia there would be no Smart Doll - we just simply would not have had the foundation to proceed with a project of such complexity.
So now we have “Mirai” and “Gaia” as Smart Doll characters who represent the foundations of our beginnings.
At the time I wasn’t really interested in taking on extra work as I was content with my job at Amazon and also had quite a bit of side income from making affiliate websites. So to the first request, I said “OK, if you really want a website then it's going to cost you X million yen.”
To my surprise, they said yes. I wasn’t about to say no to a few million yen (1 million yen = about 10,000 USD at the time) to make a website so I took the job - I remember running around on the trains to meet the client after work and walking up a hill on a Summers evening in Meguro wondering where all this was going to lead.
After a while, more and more requests came my way but it came to the point where I couldn’t handle my main job at Amazon while making websites at night so, with the help of Google Sensei, I put together a team of developers and designers who worked for me remotely. Now I was doing more project management than programming or designing.
With all the extra income, I would have been crazy to declare just my earnings in the annual income tax return - I needed to declare my expenses too as I was effectively running a company on the side so I founded my first business entity which was a sole proprietorship.
A sole proprietorship enables one to declare not only their earnings but also their expenses too. For example, If I use 25% of my home as an office, I can declare 25% of my rent/mortgage. I use my Internet connection for 90% of my work so I declare 90% of the cost as an expense.
By declaring your expenses, the amount of tax you pay is reduced as you only pay tax on the profits.
If you make 1000 USD a year and don't declare your expenses then you will pay tax on that 1000 USD. If you declare your expenses as being 800 USD and assume that your total income was 1000 USD, then you only pay tax on the difference which is 200 USD. I can’t emphasize this more enough - if you are earning any income on the side you should declare it (its called “the law”) but you must declare your expenses too (its called “being smart”). Go ask Google Sensei about “Sole Proprietorship” and learn more.
If you got a full-time job (like I did at Amazon) and earn on the side (selling stuff on Etsy etc) then you’ll declare the combined amount of income. In my case, I was paying too much tax compared to my expenses so the tax office actually returned what I overpaid. I would not have got that money back if I didn’t declare my side income or expenses - if you play fair then the tax office plays fair too.
Anyway, by this time I knew that I wanted to have my own company later in life and gave myself a goal of setting up a company by the age of 35. The sole proprietorship was the beginning of everything and it was to be our future. I called it "Mirai" which means "The Future."
I eventually moved to Microsoft which was the last time I was to work for others - I really wanted to do my own thing and so I left corporate life to start my own company. My sole proprietorship Mirai became an incorporated company and I started off by doing web consulting for companies like Disney Japan and Columbia Japan.
In the meantime, I was preparing a platform that would help me scale the business with little wo/man power. My vision was to have a single platform that could do everything from e-commerce to communities to publishing. This means that the only difference between client A and client B's site are a bunch of settings and some CSS and PHP templates. I called the platform “Mirai Gaia.”
“Gaia” is an Ancient Greek poetic word meaning “Earth” - my vision was for the platform to be used by clients around the world.
I made a decent amount of cash during my corporate life from the side business and I thought that it wasn’t going to be that difficult to sell Mirai Gaia seeing as I was able to previously make millions of yen from one website. With a powerful platform such as Mirai Gaia - I was sure that I could use my connections to sell at least one license of Mirai Gaia per month. How wrong could I have been…
By 2007, nobody wanted a website when they could achieve the very same thing on social media using services like Facebook. I remember making countless mockups and doing the rounds visiting companies to try to sell them the platform but nobody was interested. During this time I was writing about life in Japan on my blog at but I didn’t really talk about the difficulties.
I hired somebody who quickly lost interest in my company vision. They ended up not doing much apart from spending time on Flickr and getting me to pay other developers to do the work that they should have been doing. I would argue with my wife protecting this person even though I knew very well that they were not doing any work. I was afraid that if I let them go then my company would end up being in the 90% of startups that fail.
My wife and I even discussed selling the house to keep the company running. I remember taking a walk one evening by myself to clear my mind. My body felt heavy and the thought crossed my mind that I should just stop walking and collapse to the floor and just lay there. The light at the end of the tunnel was as dim as it could be.
But then I remembered - "Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow - it always does" is something that I always preached to my readers but why didn’t I live by it myself? Back at my desk at home I said aloud to myself “Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow - it always does. Something always leads to something. Nothing always leads to nothing.”
The light at the end of the tunnel got a little brighter but I still didn’t know how long the tunnel was. As long as I could see the light however I kept going and doing what I did as I knew it would lead to something.
Good Smile Company is a maker of figurines - many may know of their Nendoroid series. I met the boss Aki-san through my writings of his products on and we became good friends ever since. He even made a Nendoroid of my mascot Mirai Suenaga ;-)
I said to Aki-san, “Let me build the Good Smile Company website - I will do it for free. Maybe just send me a figure or two every month.”
Aki agreed and we launched on Mirai Gaia - to this day it still runs on the platform. With the news that a reputable company like Good Smile Company was using Mirai Gaia, other anime-related companies also wanted a slice of Mirai Gaia and eventually, I had paying clients such as Konami, Kadokawa, Bushiroad, King Records, Dentsu, Sega Sammy and Ascii Media Works.
The peak of the Mirai Gaia client count signaled the beginning of my next life project which was to profoundly change everything once again. That project was called “Smart Doll.”
Without Mirai Gaia there would be no Smart Doll - we just simply would not have had the foundation to proceed with a project of such complexity.
So now we have “Mirai” and “Gaia” as Smart Doll characters who represent the foundations of our beginnings.
それと並行して、ほとんどマンパワー無しでも事業を拡大できるように、とあるプラットフォームの構想を練った。考えていたのは、それ1つあればECからコミュニティー・サイトから出版まで、何でも対応するプラットフォーム。そういったプラットフォームがあれば、一連の設定と、CSSとPHPのテンプレートを変更するだけで、クライアントA用のサイトもクライアントB用のサイトもすぐに作成できる。そのプラットフォームには、「MIRAI GAIA」(ミライガイア) という名前を付けた。
それと並行して、ほとんどマンパワー無しでも事業を拡大できるように、とあるプラットフォームの構想を練った。考えていたのは、それ1つあればECからコミュニティー・サイトから出版まで、何でも対応するプラットフォーム。そういったプラットフォームがあれば、一連の設定と、CSSとPHPのテンプレートを変更するだけで、クライアントA用のサイトもクライアントB用のサイトもすぐに作成できる。そのプラットフォームには、「MIRAI GAIA」(ミライガイア) という名前を付けた。

But then I remembered - "Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow - it always does" is something that I always preached to my readers but why didn’t I live by it myself? Back at my desk at home I said aloud to myself “Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow - it always does. Something always leads to something. Nothing always leads to nothing.”
But then I remembered - "Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow - it always does" is something that I always preached to my readers but why didn’t I live by it myself? Back at my desk at home I said aloud to myself “Identify and live your passion and the rest will just follow - it always does. Something always leads to something. Nothing always leads to nothing.”