Collage Evolve - Your Workspace
Collage Evolve - Your Workspace
Stuck indoors and need to take a break away from Animal Crossing, staring at the walls or counting how many leaves you have left on your toilet roll?
Well how about participating in "Collage Evolve" where you get to show the world your photos based on a certain topic. This topic is "Your Workspace & Smart Doll."
We call this "Collage Evolve" because the collage is ever evolving based on customer participation. We do a regular build (a bit like a software build) where Instagram selfies that show up in the footer of this page are pooled and made into a JPG image. Previous builds are then replaced with the latest builds.
"Workspace" is where you do your stuff - no not private stuff (please no private stuff photos) but where you have your computer or sewing machine or wot not. I would love to see how you display your Smart Dolls which can maybe inspire others too.
I got goodies to give out but not to everybody - read terms below to decide whether you are game or not ;-)
There are a few Collage Games running at the same time - choose your fave or choose them all!
My Workspace
These are photos of my workspace taken at home. I like things clean so that I spend less time looking for stuff. It looks very very different to how it used to look like 10 years ago ;-)
It's important to have a balance of both "stuff" and "nothing" as the nothingness of blank space contributes to the stuff on display.
Having more stuff just means that one has to spend more time looking for stuff / dusting stuff / spending time making space for more stuff. Even if you have a ton of stuff neatly organized, it can unconsciously weigh you down and possibly affect decisions that you make in your career if a relocation is involved - I've seen this happen to so many people I personally know.
I love the view that we currently have which helps during the lockdown. It takes me literally 30 seconds to walk to work as the office is just across the street - even the office wifi signal reaches home!
Stuck indoors and need to take a break away from Animal Crossing, staring at the walls or counting how many leaves you have left on your toilet roll?
Well how about participating in "Collage Evolve" where you get to show the world your photos based on a certain topic. This topic is "Your Workspace & Smart Doll."
We call this "Collage Evolve" because the collage is ever evolving based on customer participation. We do a regular build (a bit like a software build) where Instagram selfies that show up in the footer of this page are pooled and made into a JPG image. Previous builds are then replaced with the latest builds.
"Workspace" is where you do your stuff - no not private stuff (please no private stuff photos) but where you have your computer or sewing machine or wot not. I would love to see how you display your Smart Dolls which can maybe inspire others too.
I got goodies to give out but not to everybody - read terms below to decide whether you are game or not ;-)
There are a few Collage Games running at the same time - choose your fave or choose them all!
My Workspace
These are photos of my workspace taken at home. I like things clean so that I spend less time looking for stuff. It looks very very different to how it used to look like 10 years ago ;-)
It's important to have a balance of both "stuff" and "nothing" as the nothingness of blank space contributes to the stuff on display.
Having more stuff just means that one has to spend more time looking for stuff / dusting stuff / spending time making space for more stuff. Even if you have a ton of stuff neatly organized, it can unconsciously weigh you down and possibly affect decisions that you make in your career if a relocation is involved - I've seen this happen to so many people I personally know.
I love the view that we currently have which helps during the lockdown. It takes me literally 30 seconds to walk to work as the office is just across the street - even the office wifi signal reaches home!
How to Play
To participate all you need to do is scroll down to the "Share your #Smartdoll Goodies" section on this page and click/tap one of the plus signs to add a link to your Instagram post - you have to first post your photos to Instagram for all this to work. If your photo is approved, they will show up at the bottom of the page - have a look at the bottom of Mirai's page to see an example.
The photo submission feature can accept Twitter links but for the Collage Games we are only accepting Instagram links. Read this post regarding why not all submissions will be approved for the collage and why some technicalities may prevent a submission.
Whats in this for you?
As you are sharing photos on Instagram, we presume that you enjoy our stuff - thank you! Hopefully folks will be able to discover your photos on the official Smart Doll online store and follow your account. But to folks who say "that's not enough!" I say "Ow ok then - I will choose folks who are proactively sharing their photos and reward them with goodies.
The Collage Games uses the photo sharing feature on the Smart Doll Online store - it can be found at the bottom of each product detail page. The folks listed up below have submitted the most photos since this feature launched in early 2019 and as a token of my thanks I would like to give them a free Smart Doll of their choice which includes ones that are not out yet - but not licensed ones which are not my property to play with ;-) If your name is listed below just DM me from your Instagram account.
@loganscottage, @7xana7, @doll.jpf, @jurgen_staub, @aoi.anzai, @solaceofdreams, @jackietravelogue, @nebula427, @vega.starlight, @friggandfreya, @dolldestinyx - I'm gonna have to ask you guys to pay for shipping though ;-)
We will be monitoring submissions to not only the collages but also to the product detail pages. I will then choose folks at random and regularly announce who are getting goodies which can be anything from gift certificates to actual products.
Only participate for fun and not with the expectation that you are going to get freebies.
Photos with Kids
You may know that the kids market make up a large amount of our customer base. Many parents send me their most adorable photos of their kids with Smart Dolls and allow me to share them on my social media and official Smart Doll website. Because of this I would like to make sub collages of kids and Smart Doll's.
If you think that you may need permission from your parents to participate then please ask them first. If you are not sure then ask them anyway ;-) If you are a parent then please note the terms below.
Collage Game Terms
Just like I have done in the past, I may make a collage out of approved submissions. The collage may be used to promote Smart Doll on publicly visible mediums such as news outlets, posters, movies or documentaries related to Smart Doll. Not everybody who gets in the collage will get freebies. Folks who get in the collage are not going to be paid for the use of their photo.
I may curate sub collages - for example "all Mirai owners" or "Smart Doll and kids."
We do not claim ownership of your content. Some photos may be approved to show up on the page but may not necessarily make it into the collage. Folks who participate agree to the terms above.
If you are uncomfortable with these terms then please do not participate.
Why Instagram?
We have created a tool that can automatically pool approved photos and make a collage. This previously took days but now takes minutes.
If you want to participate but don't have an Instagram account then send in your photo and I will have to upload it to the mirairobotics account. I would prefer that you make your own account though and you can always turn off notifications in the app settings.
Remember that the photo that shows up in the collage is the first photo in your Instagram carousel so choose what you think is a good representation of what you want to express.
How to Play
To participate all you need to do is scroll down to the "Share your #Smartdoll Goodies" section on this page and click/tap one of the plus signs to add a link to your Instagram post - you have to first post your photos to Instagram for all this to work. If your photo is approved, they will show up at the bottom of the page - have a look at the bottom of Mirai's page to see an example.
The photo submission feature can accept Twitter links but for the Collage Games we are only accepting Instagram links. Read this post regarding why not all submissions will be approved for the collage and why some technicalities may prevent a submission.
Whats in this for you?
As you are sharing photos on Instagram, we presume that you enjoy our stuff - thank you! Hopefully folks will be able to discover your photos on the official Smart Doll online store and follow your account. But to folks who say "that's not enough!" I say "Ow ok then - I will choose folks who are proactively sharing their photos and reward them with goodies.
The Collage Games uses the photo sharing feature on the Smart Doll Online store - it can be found at the bottom of each product detail page. The folks listed up below have submitted the most photos since this feature launched in early 2019 and as a token of my thanks I would like to give them a free Smart Doll of their choice which includes ones that are not out yet - but not licensed ones which are not my property to play with ;-) If your name is listed below just DM me from your Instagram account.
@loganscottage, @7xana7, @doll.jpf, @jurgen_staub, @aoi.anzai, @solaceofdreams, @jackietravelogue, @nebula427, @vega.starlight, @friggandfreya, @dolldestinyx - I'm gonna have to ask you guys to pay for shipping though ;-)
We will be monitoring submissions to not only the collages but also to the product detail pages. I will then choose folks at random and regularly announce who are getting goodies which can be anything from gift certificates to actual products.
Only participate for fun and not with the expectation that you are going to get freebies.
Photos with Kids
You may know that the kids market make up a large amount of our customer base. Many parents send me their most adorable photos of their kids with Smart Dolls and allow me to share them on my social media and official Smart Doll website. Because of this I would like to make sub collages of kids and Smart Doll's.
If you think that you may need permission from your parents to participate then please ask them first. If you are not sure then ask them anyway ;-) If you are a parent then please note the terms below.
Collage Game Terms
Just like I have done in the past, I may make a collage out of approved submissions. The collage may be used to promote Smart Doll on publicly visible mediums such as news outlets, posters, movies or documentaries related to Smart Doll. Not everybody who gets in the collage will get freebies. Folks who get in the collage are not going to be paid for the use of their photo.
I may curate sub collages - for example "all Mirai owners" or "Smart Doll and kids."
We do not claim ownership of your content. Some photos may be approved to show up on the page but may not necessarily make it into the collage. Folks who participate agree to the terms above.
If you are uncomfortable with these terms then please do not participate.
Why Instagram?
We have created a tool that can automatically pool approved photos and make a collage. This previously took days but now takes minutes.
If you want to participate but don't have an Instagram account then send in your photo and I will have to upload it to the mirairobotics account. I would prefer that you make your own account though and you can always turn off notifications in the app settings.
Remember that the photo that shows up in the collage is the first photo in your Instagram carousel so choose what you think is a good representation of what you want to express.