Before You Buy

At Smart Doll, we put great care into everything we make—and we know that choosing to spend your hard-earned money on one of our products is a thoughtful decision. Because of that, we encourage customers to fully understand what they’re buying before placing an order. All sales are final, so it’s important to be sure that our values and products align with what you’re looking for.

Before You Buy - Face Asymmetry
This asymmetry extends beyond the sculpt and into the painting and finishing processes—meaning no two Smart Dolls will ever look exactly alike. We understand that some may view these variations as flaws, and we fully respect those who choose not to purchase based on this characteristic. That’s why we believe...

Before You Buy – Wig Characteristics
As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, we want to be upfront about the fact that wigs are also the component we receive the most feedback on—often related to perceived quality. We understand and empathize with how certain characteristics might be interpreted as flaws, even when they fall within...

Before You Buy – Body Imperfections
Unlike mass-produced components, slush casting is a multi-step, hands-on process. Vinyl is poured into electroplated molds, which are then placed into air chambers and centrifugal units to reduce bubbles. The parts are baked in a temperature-controlled oil bath using a non-boiling thermal oil called Torec, then carefully removed once cured.

Before You Buy - Warranty & Returns
If you’re considering a Smart Doll, it’s important to understand that our warranty and return policies are quite different from platforms like Amazon, which often accept returns unconditionally—regardless of the item’s condition.

First Time Buyers Guide
If you’re thinking about investing in a Smart Doll, this guide is for you. It covers what to expect, how to choose your first doll, what’s included, how orders are processed, and situations where an order might be canceled (gulp).