Floral Capri Pants [Pear Body]
Floral Capri Pants [Pear Body]
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- Shipped out from Tokyo within 15 business days 15営業日以内に発送 (送料日本全国一律)
- Stain Risk (Low) (learn more) 色移りリスク (低) (これは何?)
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- Learn why you should not buy this ご購入の前に必ずこちらをお読みください
- Release Date 発売日 - 2024/03/02
- Made in Gifu Japan 日本産 (岐阜)
- Learn why this item can only be used with Smart Doll このアイテムはスマートドール専用です
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollbottoms
100% Cotton
Capri Pants are now available with a floral pattern. Do note that there is a patch on the print somewhere which looks like specs of ink - but is actually part of the floral illustrator file data. I guess it's pollen ;-)
The floral layout on each and every pair of these capri is completely random - don't expect to buy two expecting the same layout. If you do get two the same then it's a sign that you should go and buy a lottery ticket immediately.
Capri Pants are now available with a floral pattern. Do note that there is a patch on the print somewhere which looks like specs of ink - but is actually part of the floral illustrator file data. I guess it's pollen ;-)
The floral layout on each and every pair of these capri is completely random - don't expect to buy two expecting the same layout. If you do get two the same then it's a sign that you should go and buy a lottery ticket immediately.
During the Summers of late, I found myself wearing capri pants a lot and ended up wanting some for my Smart Doll girls wardrobe.
In Japan, these are typically called "Sabrina Pants" which was the project name for this item until I saw comments from folks calling them Capri Pants - and that was the point where I realized that we should change the name.
The fabric is on the thin side which allows our Smart Dolls to sit upright more than usual - our bottoms are typically of a thicker fabric which causes our girls to lean back when sitting down as the fabric gathers around the crotch. The thinner fabric makes posing a Smart Doll bit more easier too.
The waist of the Capri Pants is wide so that you can pull them down to hang on the hips - if you pull up the pants too high then there will be a big gap around the waist which will unleash the Kraken. If you think your Smart Doll's Kraken should remain in the land of the Titans then wear the Capri Pants with one of our inner undergarments. Made in Gifu Japan.
During the Summers of late, I found myself wearing capri pants a lot and ended up wanting some for my Smart Doll girls wardrobe.
In Japan, these are typically called "Sabrina Pants" which was the project name for this item until I saw comments from folks calling them Capri Pants - and that was the point where I realized that we should change the name.
The fabric is on the thin side which allows our Smart Dolls to sit upright more than usual - our bottoms are typically of a thicker fabric which causes our girls to lean back when sitting down as the fabric gathers around the crotch. The thinner fabric makes posing a Smart Doll bit more easier too.
The waist of the Capri Pants is wide so that you can pull them down to hang on the hips - if you pull up the pants too high then there will be a big gap around the waist which will unleash the Kraken. If you think your Smart Doll's Kraken should remain in the land of the Titans then wear the Capri Pants with one of our inner undergarments. Made in Gifu Japan.