Air Stand (Gunmetal)
Air Stand (Gunmetal)
The Telescopic Stand that comes with all Smart Dolls does a great job but if you need Smart Doll to stand on one toe or even float in air then you need either the Tripod Stand or this Air Stand.
If you are going to display your Smart Doll indoors then go for the Air Stand but if you are going to be outdoors then I recommend the Tripod Stand instead.
The outer pole can be attached to a camera tripod without any modifications for these types of photo shoots.
The Gunmetal version is made of aluminium (base and outer pole) which is protected with a coat of Alumite. The Acrylic version is made of (surprise surprise) acrylic (base) while the outer and inner pole is made non coated aluminium.
While positioning the inner pole, you will use the adjuster screw which will make indents on the inner pole - this is intentional.
The base and pole is machined in Saitama Japan while the Alumite treatment is done in Meguro Japan. We can only make a small quantity each month due to the amount of resources needed to craft this product.