Beer Girl Dress
Beer Girl Dress
I really like Mirai's maid uniform but also wanted something not so bright. I worked with doll seamstress Puppy52dolls to come up something similar in taste but toned down in color - and here it is! I wasn't sure what to call it but for some reason this project name acquired the name "Beer Girl" - even though none of our Smart Doll's drink alcohol - it could be because our apparel team members do like a drink from time to time.
Produced in Japan by Tsujiyosoten, the Beer Girl Set is comprised of a vest, skirt, corset and sleeves.
Designed for L bust, the Beer Girl Dress also fits M and XL busts too - anything else may look odd.
I designed this so that you can actually wear long or short jeans with it too. Also looks great with our boots selection.L胸用に作りましたが、M〜XLはいけます。ジーパンやショーツも同時に履ける設計です。ブーツにもよく似合います。