Mini Afro
Mini Afro
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2018/10/02
- Made in Philippines フィリピン産
- Learn why this item can only be used with Smart Doll このアイテムはスマートドール専用です
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdolloptionparts
This is our second Mohair wig - looks great for our cocoa skin girls but comes with caveats that you should know about before buying. The Mohair for our wigs are imported from Australia and the actual wig is made in the Philippines. While Mohair from sheep can be dyed - color can come off and stain your fingers or the skin of the doll if (for example) some of it touches the shoulders.
While we have taken measures like using fixing agents such as acetic acid and salt - color still may rub off. We have also used a dark brown cap instead of black. If color does rub off on the skin of your Smart Doll then rubbing it with your finger or thinner may remove it - or may not.
If you feel that you do not have the X-Men Ability of HDW (Handling Difficult Wigs) then avoid this product as we cant be responsible if you read this and end up staining your girl.
Having said that if you go by the name of Domino and get lucky then you may find that you have no troubles with this wig but I need to write all this blurb for legal reasons. I personally have not had probs with this wig.
I have not left this mohair wig on a Milk skin tone body before and don't recommend it - but if you do and end up staining your girl may cry like the devil - darn! Its an XBOX exclusive title...
I need to (one last time) make sure my four legged friend is legally covered - by purchasing this product you understand the terms above so we are not obligated to change parts due to any staining that may (or may not) occur from this wig. PewPew.
How to put wigs on without tearing your hair out
Our wigs are difficult to put on because we don't want them to blow away in a gentle breeze leaving your Smart Doll looking like Jean-Luc Picard. Check the Welcome Guide video to see how to put them on without tearing your own hair out.
Having said that, better tear your own hair out than from a Smart Doll as they will come after you at night.
Our wigs will disappoint you if...
If your expectations are that all our wigs should look exactly the same with the same thickness and length then I ask that you refrain from purchasing out wigs which will lead to a disappointment - disappointment for not only you but for us too who went through the effort to not only style the wig but to also warn you that we do not make perfect wigs.
Buying this product means that you agree and understand the specs regarding the quality of our wigs. Folks who read the specs and decided that the product didn't meet their standards not only saved their time - but our time too ;-)
Also note that this product does not include a Smart Doll or apparel or anything else that appears in the photos like sky, walls, room or other people.
How to put wigs on without tearing your hair out
Our wigs are difficult to put on because we don't want them to blow away in a gentle breeze leaving your Smart Doll looking like Jean-Luc Picard. Check the Welcome Guide video to see how to put them on without tearing your own hair out.
Having said that, better tear your own hair out than from a Smart Doll as they will come after you at night.
Our wigs will disappoint you if...
If your expectations are that all our wigs should look exactly the same with the same thickness and length then I ask that you refrain from purchasing out wigs which will lead to a disappointment - disappointment for not only you but for us too who went through the effort to not only style the wig but to also warn you that we do not make perfect wigs.
Buying this product means that you agree and understand the specs regarding the quality of our wigs. Folks who read the specs and decided that the product didn't meet their standards not only saved their time - but our time too ;-)
Also note that this product does not include a Smart Doll or apparel or anything else that appears in the photos like sky, walls, room or other people.