Belt (Khaki Green)
Belt (Khaki Green)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2018/11/04
- Made in Malaysia マレーシア産
- Learn why this item can only be used with Smart Doll このアイテムはスマートドール専用です
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollaccessories
This belt is made of leather and has been given a weathered look - if you want it to look more weathered quicker then just scrunch it up in your hand before looping it. The loops on our belts are really small so unless you have hobbit sized fingers then a pair of tweezers with a bent tip should help loop the belt.
Due to the nature of leather, it would probably leave a stain - not really noticeable on blue denim but very noticeable on light colored pants - this is not a problem if you are going to keep the belt on all the time though.
If you are going to wear a T-shirt over the waist then don't use the belt as the thickness will cause a lump underneath the tee which may look like an alien.