Military Field Jacket
Military Field Jacket
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2018/08/22
- Made in Gifu Japan 日本産 (岐阜)
- Learn why this item can only be used with Smart Doll このアイテムはスマートドール専用です
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdolltops
A rough n tough Military Field Jacket was just what Smart Doll was waiting for and its finally here. Made in Gifu and stone washed in Kagoshima Japan - this Jacket encompasses one of Smart Doll's design concepts - Wabi Sabi. I love its used look and you feel relaxed just by looking at it. A Spick-and-span dinner jacket has a sense of dressing up to look good to please others while a used jacket like this - by its very nature of looking worn with holes in it makes a statement - "I wear what I want and I want to be comfortable and not care what you think. I don't care if this gets muddy stains on it either - but would mind if dog poo got on it."
The pockets are functional and you can prob hide enough coins or a folded up bill for those emergency visits to Starbucks. I used this jacket for a while (I always field test my own products - I don't want you to have anything I would not personally use) and while using it I found that the bag strap kept slipping off the shoulder - annoying! So I added a shoulder loop to keep the strap in place.
You can wear this with bust sizes up to L and still manage to zip it up - if you try to wear this on a larger bust size - while you may be able to zip it up (I have not tried), it will look like your Smart Doll is hiding a stolen moose under her jacket.
The sleeves are a tight fit so you may not be able to wear it with thick long sleeved tops.
Do note that as with all our used stone washed apparel items - there may be some sand left in the pockets - just pretend its some Diatom shell - go read about it and learn. Also note that you should expect the edges to be worn as we did some post processing too which involves sanding the edges with sandpaper. You may also have worn holes in it with loose threads too - check the photos in this post.
The jacket was designed by Maruko Halu-san - I actually approached her many moons ago asking if she would work for us - she turned me down.
I kept seeing her fab work online and I contacted her again with an offer that worked with her current schedule and she agreed. She now works for us on a regular basis.
生地に穴や糸ほつれもストーンウォッシュで再現。L胸まで対応。デザインby Maruko Haluさん