Stain Prevention Leg Sleeves
Stain Prevention Leg Sleeves
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2018/08/22
- Made in Kyushu Japan 日本産 (九州)
- Learn why this item can only be used with Smart Doll このアイテムはスマートドール専用です
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollinnerwear
When I first launched Smart Doll, the lining of the shoes were black which meant that one had to wear socks with them. After a while, I changed the lining to a cream color to prevent staining in the event that one didn't wear socks with the shoes.
However, new research shows that staining can still occur for some people who live in habitats that...gather dust - which is pretty much anywhere on the planet Earth.
Two customers contacted me saying that they got black stains on the foot even though the lining was a cream color and all I could think of was that dust gathered inside the shoe and accumulated to form a stain. Sounds far fetched but I guess it could be a problem so I made these leg sleeves and ankle socks.
The reason why its not 3 pairs of socks is because the ankle is so slim that our prototypes tore at the seam when trying to wear them - the only way was to remove the foot and have a separate ankle sock.
The set includes 1 set of High and 1 set of Medium leg sleeves which you would wear in addition with the Ankle Sock depending on the height of the boot. You can also wear the sleeves bare foot too which looks cute. You can also stretch the High sleeves to make them look like stockings.
If you have not had an issue with staining from our shoes then you probably don't need these and probably also means that you got a very very clean house.