Smart Doll
Serenity (Milk)
Smart Doll
Serenity (Milk)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2018/12/16
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は MILK MILK
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollserenity
Serenity - always had a calm and tranquil dreamy look on her face. Separated at birth from her sister Trinity, Serenity was also brought up in a home - but this home was very different from the one Trinity was raised in.
Serenity’s home was a facility filled with grown ups running around in long white coats carrying clipboards. Occasionally one of these grown ups would take Serenity to a room which was filled with strange machines and TV’s. They would attach wires to her head and as they sat her into the chair in the middle of the room they would say “OK Serenity - ready for the usual checkup?”
Serenity would look up at the grown up and nod while smiling back but not say anything - while she could hear, she could not speak as she was born mute. Serenity was born with other genetic mutations which gave her the ability to accelerate the rate at which her neural pathways strengthen in her brain - meaning that she learned new skills fast - as in very fast - as in 50 times faster than the average human.
Neurons are cells located in the brain and nervous system that are responsible for transforming and relaying electrical signals that result in everything we do from moving our body to the way we think. Who we are is pretty much dictated by how Neurons are linked to each other. Neurons link with each other via something attached to them called a Synapse.
As an analogy, just think of a Neuron as a lego brick - they are more useful when you have many of them joined together right?
Now think of a Synapse as one of those round studs on top of a lego brick which joins two pieces of lego together - this join would be the pathway.
Pathways are formed between Neurons whenever we start to learn something. At first learning is difficult and takes effort but after repetition of doing the same thing over and over again, the pathways become stronger and less effort is required. For example, riding a bicycle for the first time - most of us will fall at least once and consume much energy while learning. After much practice it becomes easier and less energy is used. This is where the term “Practice Makes Perfect” comes from. So no matter how many times you fail when you start something new, try, try, try again and before you know it you will have newly formed neural pathways - the key is to never give up or those pathways that you spent so much time building will be removed in a process called Synaptic Pruning.
The brain is only 2% of your body mass but uses up 20% of your energy - it is wired to conserve energy - if it wasn’t then you would be using up too much energy and would have to constantly be eating like the American Pygmy Shrew. This is why neural pathways are created to help you do things easier and use up less energy.
One day after one of Serenity’s checkups, a group of the grown ups gathered together to discuss something of great urgency. It turns out that these “checkups” were experiments aiming to establish how Serenity had developed such abilities such as photographic memory, accelerated neural pathway generation and precision sensory and motor commands of her body that contributed to her athletic ability.
“Mr Secretary, we have established which genes are responsible for Serenity’s condition. Permission to proceed with Metamorphosis tests to produce the clone soldiers sir.”
“You have served your country well! Proceed. If we loose Serenity in the process, use her sister Trinity who is being kept by the Gopee family in London.”
“Understood sir.”
While Serenity can’t speak, her hearing abilities have been boosted to hear at levels that a normal human can’t - including the conversation with Mr Secretary a few corridors away.
While Serenity was startled and confused, she remained calm at the same time. She just found out that she had a sister who she had to rescue and that if she didn’t get away then she would be the source of Mr Secretary’s plot to create a clone army of super humans - Serenity was very well aware of the abilities that she possessed.
Serenity quickly formed a plan to get out of the facility. She had already learned the passcodes to access the local computer network where she was to find the location of the home that Trinity was being kept in. Serenity also knew the shifts of all the grown ups that worked there and also knew the passwords for each of the doors that lead her to the outside world and before anybody knew it Serenity was already half way to London to meet the sister she had never met…
セレニティーは口がきけないが、聴覚の方は通常の人間ではありえないレベルまで研ぎ澄まされている - たとえ廊下を何本も隔てた場所で交わされた大臣との会話であっても。

Smart Doll - Serenity (Milk)
Smart Doll - Serenity (Milk)
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