Smart Doll
Courage pear
Smart Doll
Courage pear
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Shipped out from Tokyo within 15 business days 15営業日以内に発送 (送料日本全国一律)
- Learn about Warranty & Returns Learn about Warranty & Returns
- Learn why you should not buy this ご購入の前に必ずこちらをお読みください
- Release Date 発売日 - 2024/06/21
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は TEA TEA
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollcouragepear
Please note that this character will come with the New Wave Medium wig which is slightly longer than the one shown in the photos.
Please note that this character will come with the New Wave Medium wig which is slightly longer than the one shown in the photos.
About the New Wave Medium Wig
This wig looks flat out of the bag as we need it to maintain its shape during transport. After wrestling to attach the wig, use some of your finger ninja to puff up the wig so that it resembles the photos. The wig will naturally puff up as it comes in contact with the air (unless you live on Mars that has a low oxygen ratio) and will further puff up when you take your Smart Doll out n about.
About the New Wave Medium Wig
This wig looks flat out of the bag as we need it to maintain its shape during transport. After wrestling to attach the wig, use some of your finger ninja to puff up the wig so that it resembles the photos. The wig will naturally puff up as it comes in contact with the air (unless you live on Mars that has a low oxygen ratio) and will further puff up when you take your Smart Doll out n about.
About vitiligo and birthmarks
Before I kick the bucket, I want to encourage as many humans as possible to live life as they are instead of the way others want them to be. For this reason, you will see that many of our products symbolize and remind us of this importance. I know of folks who cover their vitiligo patch or birthmark (as I once did for the birthmark on my face when filming Culture Japan the TV show), but nobody should have to modify the way they look for the sake of others.
All humans are completely imperfect, although it may not be as obvious on the surface. For example, the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) ended up doing a scenic route as humans evolved a neck - it loops around the aorta and then back up the larynx when it could be much shorter and thus efficient. Humans also have a backward retina, which is why we ended up with a blind spot. This is because of the way we have evolved from living an aquatic lifestyle.
And then some of us have evolved to be different on the surface. There is no survival advantage of changing our appearance for the sake of others - this is something that should be left to the Mimic octopus, which does indeed rely on its ability to change its shape to survive...
About Development
While paint stencils are used to create vitiligo or birthmark patches, painting is still a process done by hand, and thus no two dolls will look the same. Some patches may appear bigger/smaller/lighter/darker and have fuzzy edges - folks should take note before considering a purchase.
Folks should not expect patch marks on the face, bust and arm to be perfectly synced in terms of paint style and color. As always, if you are worried then the best thing to do is not buy - or ask somebody on social media about their experience.
About vitiligo and birthmarks
Before I kick the bucket, I want to encourage as many humans as possible to live life as they are instead of the way others want them to be. For this reason, you will see that many of our products symbolize and remind us of this importance. I know of folks who cover their vitiligo patch or birthmark (as I once did for the birthmark on my face when filming Culture Japan the TV show), but nobody should have to modify the way they look for the sake of others.
All humans are completely imperfect, although it may not be as obvious on the surface. For example, the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) ended up doing a scenic route as humans evolved a neck - it loops around the aorta and then back up the larynx when it could be much shorter and thus efficient. Humans also have a backward retina, which is why we ended up with a blind spot. This is because of the way we have evolved from living an aquatic lifestyle.
And then some of us have evolved to be different on the surface. There is no survival advantage of changing our appearance for the sake of others - this is something that should be left to the Mimic octopus, which does indeed rely on its ability to change its shape to survive...
About Development
While paint stencils are used to create vitiligo or birthmark patches, painting is still a process done by hand, and thus no two dolls will look the same. Some patches may appear bigger/smaller/lighter/darker and have fuzzy edges - folks should take note before considering a purchase.
Folks should not expect patch marks on the face, bust and arm to be perfectly synced in terms of paint style and color. As always, if you are worried then the best thing to do is not buy - or ask somebody on social media about their experience.
Before You Buy
At Smart Doll Land, we recognize that everyone has their own unique standards when it comes to determining what is considered high quality or subpar. Our products are deeply infused with the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, a principle that's integral to our design ethos. This concept celebrates the beauty of impermanence and imperfection, and while many of our customers appreciate this approach, we understand that it might be perceived by some as a justification for poor quality.
It's important to note that collectors who are accustomed to perfectly manufactured, machine-made dolls may find our products different from their expectations. Our dolls, embracing the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic, often showcase characteristics that stand in contrast to the flawless uniformity found in mass-produced items. This distinction is fundamental to our brand's identity and reflects a deliberate choice to value uniqueness and authenticity.
We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with our Pear Body Smart Dolls before making a purchase. In fact, if possible, we recommend examining a Smart Doll in person, perhaps through a friend who owns one, to truly appreciate their unique qualities and to understand how they differ from more conventional, machine-made dolls.
At Smart Doll Land, you'll find that no one will pressure you into making a purchase. Our goal isn't to convince you to buy a Smart Doll; rather, we encourage you to carefully consider your decision, especially if you're used to other doll brands. We believe in informed choices and want you to be completely satisfied and connected with your Smart Doll if you decide to welcome one into your life.
Before You Buy
At Smart Doll Land, we recognize that everyone has their own unique standards when it comes to determining what is considered high quality or subpar. Our products are deeply infused with the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, a principle that's integral to our design ethos. This concept celebrates the beauty of impermanence and imperfection, and while many of our customers appreciate this approach, we understand that it might be perceived by some as a justification for poor quality.
It's important to note that collectors who are accustomed to perfectly manufactured, machine-made dolls may find our products different from their expectations. Our dolls, embracing the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic, often showcase characteristics that stand in contrast to the flawless uniformity found in mass-produced items. This distinction is fundamental to our brand's identity and reflects a deliberate choice to value uniqueness and authenticity.
We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with our Pear Body Smart Dolls before making a purchase. In fact, if possible, we recommend examining a Smart Doll in person, perhaps through a friend who owns one, to truly appreciate their unique qualities and to understand how they differ from more conventional, machine-made dolls.
At Smart Doll Land, you'll find that no one will pressure you into making a purchase. Our goal isn't to convince you to buy a Smart Doll; rather, we encourage you to carefully consider your decision, especially if you're used to other doll brands. We believe in informed choices and want you to be completely satisfied and connected with your Smart Doll if you decide to welcome one into your life.