Smart Doll
Proud Prowess (anime cinnamon)
Smart Doll
Proud Prowess (anime cinnamon)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Shipped out from Tokyo within 15 business days 15営業日以内に発送 (送料日本全国一律)
- Learn about Warranty & Returns Learn about Warranty & Returns
- Learn why you should not buy this ご購入の前に必ずこちらをお読みください
- Release Date 発売日 - 2023/08/10
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は CINNAMON CINNAMON
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollprowess
The face of each Smart Doll character becomes a dynamic canvas, echoing our beliefs and ideas. Our characters—Liberty, with her vitiligo marks; Foundation, who has a cleft lip; Pride, whose face is adorned with acne; Valiant, defined by a distinct birthmark; and Survivor, marked by her burn scars — all represent individuals who boldly embrace their unique appearances, despite facing rejection or negative judgment from society or social media.
Proud Prowess, adorned with rainbow whiskers, adds a vibrant symbol to this chorus of defiance. She serves as a beacon, communicating a clear message: we possess not only the right but also the unyielding will to live authentically and unapologetically, despite the oppression we may encounter. Each whisker is a colorful testament to the beauty of diversity and the power of being true to oneself.
Proud Prowess, is now available. Although we aim to maintain her regular availability, she may occasionally be marked "out of stock" - this is not a response to any boycott threats but simply due to the intricate process of her production.
Proud Prowess’s rainbow-colored whiskers demand regular paint mask washing to remove each layer of color, a procedure significantly more complex than the original single-color design of her whiskers.
After releasing our Pride T-shirts, we were met with varied responses. Some of our long-standing customers expressed their disappointment, accusing us of either jumping on the woke bandwagon or disagreeing with our decision to support Pride. Some even threatened to abandon our brand, with a few already having done so.
Some consumers choose to boycott brands that uphold Pride values, operating under the assumption that their threats and departure will influence a brand’s trajectory. While this may occasionally hold true, it doesn’t within the realm of Smart Doll Land.
Here, the concept of a boycott loses its intended intimidation, as we’ve already unambiguously communicated our values and principles. In essence, threats of departure carry a curious note of embarrassment, given we are already holding the door open for those who find their values misaligned with ours.
Our guiding principle prioritizes values over profits. If standing up for our values implies losing some, or even the majority of our customers, we consider it a worthwhile sacrifice.
Stay proud ;-)
Proud Prowess, adorned with rainbow whiskers, adds a vibrant symbol to this chorus of defiance. She serves as a beacon, communicating a clear message: we possess not only the right but also the unyielding will to live authentically and unapologetically, despite the oppression we may encounter. Each whisker is a colorful testament to the beauty of diversity and the power of being true to oneself.
Proud Prowess, is now available. Although we aim to maintain her regular availability, she may occasionally be marked "out of stock" - this is not a response to any boycott threats but simply due to the intricate process of her production.
Proud Prowess’s rainbow-colored whiskers demand regular paint mask washing to remove each layer of color, a procedure significantly more complex than the original single-color design of her whiskers.
After releasing our Pride T-shirts, we were met with varied responses. Some of our long-standing customers expressed their disappointment, accusing us of either jumping on the woke bandwagon or disagreeing with our decision to support Pride. Some even threatened to abandon our brand, with a few already having done so.
Some consumers choose to boycott brands that uphold Pride values, operating under the assumption that their threats and departure will influence a brand’s trajectory. While this may occasionally hold true, it doesn’t within the realm of Smart Doll Land.
Here, the concept of a boycott loses its intended intimidation, as we’ve already unambiguously communicated our values and principles. In essence, threats of departure carry a curious note of embarrassment, given we are already holding the door open for those who find their values misaligned with ours.
Our guiding principle prioritizes values over profits. If standing up for our values implies losing some, or even the majority of our customers, we consider it a worthwhile sacrifice.
Stay proud ;-)
The face of each Smart Doll character becomes a dynamic canvas, echoing our beliefs and ideas. Our characters—Liberty, with her vitiligo marks; Foundation, who has a cleft lip; Pride, whose face is adorned with acne; Valiant, defined by a distinct birthmark; and Survivor, marked by her burn scars — all represent individuals who boldly embrace their unique appearances, despite facing rejection or negative judgment from society or social media.
Proud Prowess, adorned with rainbow whiskers, adds a vibrant symbol to this chorus of defiance. She serves as a beacon, communicating a clear message: we possess not only the right but also the unyielding will to live authentically and unapologetically, despite the oppression we may encounter. Each whisker is a colorful testament to the beauty of diversity and the power of being true to oneself.
Proud Prowess, is now available. Although we aim to maintain her regular availability, she may occasionally be marked "out of stock" - this is not a response to any boycott threats but simply due to the intricate process of her production.
Proud Prowess’s rainbow-colored whiskers demand regular paint mask washing to remove each layer of color, a procedure significantly more complex than the original single-color design of her whiskers.
After releasing our Pride T-shirts, we were met with varied responses. Some of our long-standing customers expressed their disappointment, accusing us of either jumping on the woke bandwagon or disagreeing with our decision to support Pride. Some even threatened to abandon our brand, with a few already having done so.
Some consumers choose to boycott brands that uphold Pride values, operating under the assumption that their threats and departure will influence a brand’s trajectory. While this may occasionally hold true, it doesn’t within the realm of Smart Doll Land.
Here, the concept of a boycott loses its intended intimidation, as we’ve already unambiguously communicated our values and principles. In essence, threats of departure carry a curious note of embarrassment, given we are already holding the door open for those who find their values misaligned with ours.
Our guiding principle prioritizes values over profits. If standing up for our values implies losing some, or even the majority of our customers, we consider it a worthwhile sacrifice.
Stay proud ;-)
Proud Prowess, adorned with rainbow whiskers, adds a vibrant symbol to this chorus of defiance. She serves as a beacon, communicating a clear message: we possess not only the right but also the unyielding will to live authentically and unapologetically, despite the oppression we may encounter. Each whisker is a colorful testament to the beauty of diversity and the power of being true to oneself.
Proud Prowess, is now available. Although we aim to maintain her regular availability, she may occasionally be marked "out of stock" - this is not a response to any boycott threats but simply due to the intricate process of her production.
Proud Prowess’s rainbow-colored whiskers demand regular paint mask washing to remove each layer of color, a procedure significantly more complex than the original single-color design of her whiskers.
After releasing our Pride T-shirts, we were met with varied responses. Some of our long-standing customers expressed their disappointment, accusing us of either jumping on the woke bandwagon or disagreeing with our decision to support Pride. Some even threatened to abandon our brand, with a few already having done so.
Some consumers choose to boycott brands that uphold Pride values, operating under the assumption that their threats and departure will influence a brand’s trajectory. While this may occasionally hold true, it doesn’t within the realm of Smart Doll Land.
Here, the concept of a boycott loses its intended intimidation, as we’ve already unambiguously communicated our values and principles. In essence, threats of departure carry a curious note of embarrassment, given we are already holding the door open for those who find their values misaligned with ours.
Our guiding principle prioritizes values over profits. If standing up for our values implies losing some, or even the majority of our customers, we consider it a worthwhile sacrifice.
Stay proud ;-)

Smart Doll - Proud Prowess (anime cinnamon)
Smart Doll - Proud Prowess (anime cinnamon)