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Which is the right set for you? あなたにぴったりのセットは?

Smart Doll's are available in two different flavors - a "Sports Bra Set" & "Apparel Set." Guys normally wear bra's at home when nobody is looking but our Smart Doll guys don't which is why we've given them a pair of Boxer Shorts instead. If you are buying a Smart Doll for the first time then choosing either set is enough - you do not need to get anything else in addition - but extra accessories will enhance your Smart Doll experience.
 If you are going to keep your Smart Doll at home or in the office and prefer them skimpy then go for the Sports Bra Set - but the Apparel Set is way better value for your cash.

Choose the Apparel set if you plan on taking them out n about - and save money at the same time as it will cost you more to buy the apparel set items separately. If you take them out in the Sports Bra Set then they may catch a cold. Alternatively you may want to go for the Sports Bra Set and then choose to customize the look and feel of your Smart Doll by buying additional apparel items. You can see what items the current Apparel Set consists of on this page.
スマートドールは二つのセットで用意しています。「Sports Bra Set」と「Apparel Set」だ。スポーツブラセットにはスポーツブラと下着が付いています。ブラーを密かに家で着用している男子は世の中にいますが、スマートドール男子はそんなことやりません。なのでボクサーショーツを履かせています。

お家やオフィスで肌露出多めに展示したい場合はスポーツブラセットは十分ですが、アパレルセットはかなりお得。スマートドールを外に連れて行く目的であればアパレルセットをオススメします。スポーツブラセットで外に連れて行くと、スマートドールちゃんは風邪をひくかもしれないのでご注意ください。 もしくはスポーツブラセットを選んでいただき、スマートドールのアパレルでご自分でコーディネートできます。


Would you like to remove the Instabewbs filter for all busts in product listings? You can change your preferences in the footer menu. 商品一覧に出ているおっぱい写真のインスタバストフィルターを非表示にしますか?設定は今後フッターで変更できます。

Which is the right body type for you? あなたにぴったりのボディータイプは?

While the head and hands will be vinyl - you have a choice of two different types of body - one is referred to as Cortex and the other as Vinyl. Both body types are pre-built.

Both are made from the same 3D data and share pretty much the same shape and form - all our apparel, accessories and body parts are compatible with both body types. The fundamental difference is the material and the way they are constructed. Vinyl being more expensive does not make it better than Cortex. Neither type is more superior than the other and they both have their own strengths depending on your needs.

To find out more about the differences then read the Cortex or Vinyl post which should give you more info to make a decision.
スマートドールでは2種類の材質のボディーを展開している。ひとつは「コーテックス」(CORTEX)、もうひとつは「ソフビ」(VINYL) と呼ばれるものだ。別途記載がない限り、どちらの材質を選んでも頭と手はソフビだ。上の画像を見ても違いがわからないという方はコーテックスを選ぶことをお勧めする。コーテックスボディーもソフビボディーも組み立て完成品だ。




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Asking for the following will result in a cancellation and refund of your order.

  1. Asking for a discount
  2. Asking us to lower the declaration value of your order
  3. Asking us to ship out ASAP
  4. Asking us to deliver by a particular date
  5. Asking us who shot first - Han or Greedo

Unfortunately we don't own DHL or FedEx (yet) nor do we have celestial powers over a pandemic to guarantee a delivery date on the other side of the world - and we don't enjoy it when people refuse to pay import taxes resulting in goods being returned to us. Not to mention that there are people who reject packages that don't arrive in time for a birthday.

We presume that your order is reliant on such requests being answered.
We can't do any of the above and can't tell you who shot first even though we think it was Han. So don't ask :-)

Asking for the following will result in a cancellation and refund of your order.

  1. Asking for a discount
  2. Asking us to lower the declaration value of your order
  3. Asking us to ship out ASAP
  4. Asking us to deliver by a particular date
  5. Asking us who shot first - Han or Greedo

Unfortunately we don't own DHL or FedEx (yet) nor do we have celestial powers over a pandemic to guarantee a delivery date on the other side of the world - and we don't enjoy it when people refuse to pay import taxes resulting in goods being returned to us. Not to mention that there are people who reject packages that don't arrive in time for a birthday.

We presume that your order is reliant on such requests being answered.
We can't do any of the above and can't tell you who shot first even though we think it was Han. So don't ask :-)

Smart Doll
Transcendence Pear (Cocoa)

Smart Doll
Transcendence Pear (Cocoa)

Select Body Type

Fully Assembled

Regular price Regular price ¥65,000 (¥7,150,0.0 税込)

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Transcendence leads to victory

Amidst the shadows, doubt, and strife,
Transcendence shapes our very life.
When others try to dim our light,
She guides us to a soaring flight.

No vengeance sought, ahead we tread,
With silent strength, no words are said.
Success, the answer, sets us free,
Transcendence leads to victory.

This power lies within our core,
A state of being to explore.
Transcendence, our unwavering friend,
Lifts us high and helps us mend.

Embodying strength and spirit bright,
Transcendence shines her guiding light.
With her, we rise above the fray,
And show the world a better way.

Transcendence is a reminder that even when others attempt to bring us down, we should rise above the negativity, focusing on our own growth and progress. Rather than retaliating, we move forward and demonstrate our resilience, as the best response is to let those who tried to bring us down watch us succeed.

About production

Transcendence has been our most challenging character to develop since we began crafting electroplated paint masks a decade ago.

This complexity stems from her fangs, where the mask doesn’t extend fully to the inner ridge of the mouth. The mask’s thickness adds to the challenge of making the fangs appear to emerge from within the mouth rather than merely resting on the lips.

Moreover, for the first time, we’re utilizing a single mask to generate a lip gradient. Typically, we invest in multiple masks to simplify the painting process for our team members without having to mask off holes. However, this time, we needed a unique effect for the fangs, which required using just one mask. We applied a light pink base layer followed by a darker shade, spraying the paint at a specific angle to achieve the desired result.

After completing the masks, extensive training was necessary to achieve the desired aesthetic. While paint masks are incredibly helpful in achieving a consistent look and feel, each character still requires individualized training for painting, even with the masks’ assistance. Paint must be applied at particular angles to compensate for the mask’s physical characteristics and thickness, ensuring full coverage of the desired areas.

Consequently, the development process of Transcendence took much much much longer than usual.

Reasons not to buy

I understand that some folks prefer 3D fangs, and I’m delighted that these folks can purchase such options being offered by other manufacturers ;-)

As with all our characters - Transcendence has an asymmetrical face design - folks who are expecting machine-printed symmetrical face designs should avoid this product.

Transcendence leads to victory

Amidst the shadows, doubt, and strife,
Transcendence shapes our very life.
When others try to dim our light,
She guides us to a soaring flight.

No vengeance sought, ahead we tread,
With silent strength, no words are said.
Success, the answer, sets us free,
Transcendence leads to victory.

This power lies within our core,
A state of being to explore.
Transcendence, our unwavering friend,
Lifts us high and helps us mend.

Embodying strength and spirit bright,
Transcendence shines her guiding light.
With her, we rise above the fray,
And show the world a better way.

Transcendence is a reminder that even when others attempt to bring us down, we should rise above the negativity, focusing on our own growth and progress. Rather than retaliating, we move forward and demonstrate our resilience, as the best response is to let those who tried to bring us down watch us succeed.

About production

Transcendence has been our most challenging character to develop since we began crafting electroplated paint masks a decade ago.

This complexity stems from her fangs, where the mask doesn’t extend fully to the inner ridge of the mouth. The mask’s thickness adds to the challenge of making the fangs appear to emerge from within the mouth rather than merely resting on the lips.

Moreover, for the first time, we’re utilizing a single mask to generate a lip gradient. Typically, we invest in multiple masks to simplify the painting process for our team members without having to mask off holes. However, this time, we needed a unique effect for the fangs, which required using just one mask. We applied a light pink base layer followed by a darker shade, spraying the paint at a specific angle to achieve the desired result.

After completing the masks, extensive training was necessary to achieve the desired aesthetic. While paint masks are incredibly helpful in achieving a consistent look and feel, each character still requires individualized training for painting, even with the masks’ assistance. Paint must be applied at particular angles to compensate for the mask’s physical characteristics and thickness, ensuring full coverage of the desired areas.

Consequently, the development process of Transcendence took much much much longer than usual.

Reasons not to buy

I understand that some folks prefer 3D fangs, and I’m delighted that these folks can purchase such options being offered by other manufacturers ;-)

As with all our characters - Transcendence has an asymmetrical face design - folks who are expecting machine-printed symmetrical face designs should avoid this product.

Before You Buy

At Smart Doll Land, we recognize that everyone has their own unique standards when it comes to determining what is considered high quality or subpar. Our products are deeply infused with the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, a principle that's integral to our design ethos. This concept celebrates the beauty of impermanence and imperfection, and while many of our customers appreciate this approach, we understand that it might be perceived by some as a justification for poor quality.

It's important to note that collectors who are accustomed to perfectly manufactured, machine-made dolls may find our products different from their expectations. Our dolls, embracing the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic, often showcase characteristics that stand in contrast to the flawless uniformity found in mass-produced items. This distinction is fundamental to our brand's identity and reflects a deliberate choice to value uniqueness and authenticity.

We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with our Pear Body Smart Dolls before making a purchase. In fact, if possible, we recommend examining a Smart Doll in person, perhaps through a friend who owns one, to truly appreciate their unique qualities and to understand how they differ from more conventional, machine-made dolls.

At Smart Doll Land, you'll find that no one will pressure you into making a purchase. Our goal isn't to convince you to buy a Smart Doll; rather, we encourage you to carefully consider your decision, especially if you're used to other doll brands. We believe in informed choices and want you to be completely satisfied and connected with your Smart Doll if you decide to welcome one into your life.

Before You Buy

At Smart Doll Land, we recognize that everyone has their own unique standards when it comes to determining what is considered high quality or subpar. Our products are deeply infused with the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, a principle that's integral to our design ethos. This concept celebrates the beauty of impermanence and imperfection, and while many of our customers appreciate this approach, we understand that it might be perceived by some as a justification for poor quality.

It's important to note that collectors who are accustomed to perfectly manufactured, machine-made dolls may find our products different from their expectations. Our dolls, embracing the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic, often showcase characteristics that stand in contrast to the flawless uniformity found in mass-produced items. This distinction is fundamental to our brand's identity and reflects a deliberate choice to value uniqueness and authenticity.

We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with our Pear Body Smart Dolls before making a purchase. In fact, if possible, we recommend examining a Smart Doll in person, perhaps through a friend who owns one, to truly appreciate their unique qualities and to understand how they differ from more conventional, machine-made dolls.

At Smart Doll Land, you'll find that no one will pressure you into making a purchase. Our goal isn't to convince you to buy a Smart Doll; rather, we encourage you to carefully consider your decision, especially if you're used to other doll brands. We believe in informed choices and want you to be completely satisfied and connected with your Smart Doll if you decide to welcome one into your life.

Smart Doll - Transcendence Pear (Cocoa) Smart Doll - Transcendence Pear (Cocoa)