Smart Doll
Journey Classic (Milk)
Smart Doll
Journey Classic (Milk)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2019/05/12
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は MILK MILK
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdolljourney
It's been a long....journey but she's ready at last. Journey has been the most challenging paint mask that has taken close to a year to develop. I didn't manage to sort out how to sell Journey with the two facial expressions that we are going to call Classic (open mouth) and Alternate (closed mouth).
We tried the two head thing with Lelouch two years ago and it was challenging to say the least. Anyway, we can only keep one version of Journey and I will leave that decision up to you. We will initially launch both and the one that does better will stay on to be the default - the other will be discontinued. Back story at a later date.