Smart Doll
Divergence (Cocoa)
Smart Doll
Divergence (Cocoa)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Shipped out from Tokyo within 15 business days 15営業日以内に発送 (送料日本全国一律)
- Learn about Warranty & Returns Learn about Warranty & Returns
- Learn why you should not buy this ご購入の前に必ずこちらをお読みください
- Release Date 発売日 - 2024/04/10
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は COCOA COCOA
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdolldivergence
The face design for Divergence was specifically designed to complement our darker skin tones, Cocoa and Black Navy. While both versions showcase the same eye design, they feature distinct mouth designs, offering unique expressions that cater to each skin tone.
Also note you need some finger ninja to style the new Twist Out Short wig to look like the photos - do so by slightly twisting the wig one side and then carefully pulling some of the yarn in the opposite direction.
The face design for Divergence was specifically designed to complement our darker skin tones, Cocoa and Black Navy. While both versions showcase the same eye design, they feature distinct mouth designs, offering unique expressions that cater to each skin tone.
Also note you need some finger ninja to style the new Twist Out Short wig to look like the photos - do so by slightly twisting the wig one side and then carefully pulling some of the yarn in the opposite direction.
In a world that prizes conformity above all, Divergence represents the individuals who dare to chart their own courses, those who refuse to be molded into a one-size-fits-all life plan. Her existence is a beacon for the possibilities that lie beyond the conventional, challenging the societal order that demands uniformity. Divergence thrives in the spaces between, in the rich tapestry of life that unfolds when one steps off the beaten path.
Her journey is not without peril. Society views Divergents as threats, unsettling reminders of what life could be if only people dared to dream beyond their constraints. Divergence, with her innate ability to think and act beyond societal expectations, becomes a target for those who seek to maintain the status quo. Jealousy fuels their efforts to pull her back into the fold, to extinguish the flame of individuality she carries.
But Divergence is not deterred. Her path is one of exploration and genuine passion, a testament to the strength found in diversity and the courage to live authentically.
Divergence invites us to embrace our unique selves, to seek fulfillment in what truly moves us rather than succumbing to societal pressures. She encourages us to break free from the cycle of conformity, to live not in fear of being different but in celebration of our distinctness. In Divergence, we find not just a girl but a symbol of hope and transformation, urging us to find the courage to be divergent in a world that too often rewards sameness.
Through her, we learn that true success and happiness come not from following a prescribed path but from daring to diverge from it, embracing the challenges and joys of forging our own way. Divergence is a call to action, a reminder that the greatest achievements and the most fulfilling lives often come from the courage to be unmistakably, unapologetically ourselves. Divergence is the embodiment of resistance against a society deeply entrenched in a linear pathway: study hard, enter prestigious colleges, secure a lucrative job, and spend a lifetime servicing loans and taxes. She is the stark contradiction to the belief that life's value is measured by adherence to this singular narrative.
In a world that prizes conformity above all, Divergence represents the individuals who dare to chart their own courses, those who refuse to be molded into a one-size-fits-all life plan. Her existence is a beacon for the possibilities that lie beyond the conventional, challenging the societal order that demands uniformity. Divergence thrives in the spaces between, in the rich tapestry of life that unfolds when one steps off the beaten path.
Her journey is not without peril. Society views Divergents as threats, unsettling reminders of what life could be if only people dared to dream beyond their constraints. Divergence, with her innate ability to think and act beyond societal expectations, becomes a target for those who seek to maintain the status quo. Jealousy fuels their efforts to pull her back into the fold, to extinguish the flame of individuality she carries.
But Divergence is not deterred. Her path is one of exploration and genuine passion, a testament to the strength found in diversity and the courage to live authentically.
Divergence invites us to embrace our unique selves, to seek fulfillment in what truly moves us rather than succumbing to societal pressures. She encourages us to break free from the cycle of conformity, to live not in fear of being different but in celebration of our distinctness. In Divergence, we find not just a girl but a symbol of hope and transformation, urging us to find the courage to be divergent in a world that too often rewards sameness.
Through her, we learn that true success and happiness come not from following a prescribed path but from daring to diverge from it, embracing the challenges and joys of forging our own way. Divergence is a call to action, a reminder that the greatest achievements and the most fulfilling lives often come from the courage to be unmistakably, unapologetically ourselves.
Soft vinyl, while a wonderful material, is prone to scuff marks. While these are almost invisible on Cinnamon or Tea skin tones, they can be more noticeable on Cocoa. To address this, we provide a free Melamine sponge upon request with your order. Include a note in the order field requesting the "free melamine sponge."
When removing scuff marks, gently buff the surface with the sponge in a circular motion. If the scuff is on the face, take extra care to avoid disturbing the makeup. The process may leave a bit of sponge residue, but it's easily brushed off. Following these steps, scuffs will either vanish or become significantly less apparent.
Please be aware that due to the slush casting process, minor blemishes can occur, which might be more visible on the Cocoa skin tone. If you anticipate this as a potential issue, we recommend considering this factor before purchasing.
We often hear feedback suggesting that our cocoa skin tone dolls pose a challenge to photograph. For those finding it difficult, consider researching photography techniques or trying out camera apps that offer adjustable exposure settings.
It's worth noting that this advice isn't exclusive to cocoa dolls - it can equally apply to our cinnamon skin tones, where overexposure can be a concern. A slight adjustment of exposure settings (and willingness to learn) can go a long way in getting the perfect shot.
Soft vinyl, while a wonderful material, is prone to scuff marks. While these are almost invisible on Cinnamon or Tea skin tones, they can be more noticeable on Cocoa. To address this, we provide a free Melamine sponge upon request with your order. Include a note in the order field requesting the "free melamine sponge."
When removing scuff marks, gently buff the surface with the sponge in a circular motion. If the scuff is on the face, take extra care to avoid disturbing the makeup. The process may leave a bit of sponge residue, but it's easily brushed off. Following these steps, scuffs will either vanish or become significantly less apparent.
Please be aware that due to the slush casting process, minor blemishes can occur, which might be more visible on the Cocoa skin tone. If you anticipate this as a potential issue, we recommend considering this factor before purchasing.
We often hear feedback suggesting that our cocoa skin tone dolls pose a challenge to photograph. For those finding it difficult, consider researching photography techniques or trying out camera apps that offer adjustable exposure settings.
It's worth noting that this advice isn't exclusive to cocoa dolls - it can equally apply to our cinnamon skin tones, where overexposure can be a concern. A slight adjustment of exposure settings (and willingness to learn) can go a long way in getting the perfect shot.