Smart Doll
Future (Cocoa)
Smart Doll
Future (Cocoa)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2023/03/03
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は COCOA COCOA
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollfuture
“Mirai is Future” is a slogan in Smart Doll Land with a few meanings. “Mirai” (未来) pronounced “mee-rai” means “future” in Japanese.
When wifey and I set up our company, I knew it was the beginning of everything, and it was to be our future - which is why I named our company Mirai.
And now for the other (literal) meaning. This girl is the semi-real version of Mirai hence “Mirai is Future.”
We went through many design iterations, which didn’t work out because we originally tried to use the exact same features from the anime version. The second from final draft looked nice, but her face appeared long, so we used freckles to “glue” all the facial design components together. I could have called her “Mirai Semi-real,” but “Future” seemed more fitting.
“With Smart Doll, the future is in your hands” is another slogan in Smart Doll Land that is printed on the default sports bra set.
When Smart Doll launched in 2014, we only had Mirai, which meant that folks who purchased a Smart Doll were literally holding the future (Mirai) in their hands. Fast forward to 2023, and this slogan holds even more significance.
In our early years, if we had solely focused on maximizing profits, we likely wouldn’t have survived until now. Instead, we focused on the future and prioritized R&D and improvements of our existing products.
While building a business with a focus on the present is relatively straightforward since the results can be quickly seen in the numbers, prioritizing the future is more challenging since the results are not immediate.
Sometimes it can be disheartening when the fruits of your labor cannot be seen for months or even years on end, but it's important to remember that every step of the journey is valuable and contributes to the final outcome.
Smart Doll’s longevity is a testament to the effectiveness of focusing on the long-term future rather than prioritizing short-term gains, and this strategy has allowed us to build a sustainable and successful business.
Future serves as a reminder that a focus on the long-term is crucial if you want your business (or career) to succeed in the long run.
“Mirai is Future” is a slogan in Smart Doll Land with a few meanings. “Mirai” (未来) pronounced “mee-rai” means “future” in Japanese.
When wifey and I set up our company, I knew it was the beginning of everything, and it was to be our future - which is why I named our company Mirai.
And now for the other (literal) meaning. This girl is the semi-real version of Mirai hence “Mirai is Future.”
We went through many design iterations, which didn’t work out because we originally tried to use the exact same features from the anime version. The second from final draft looked nice, but her face appeared long, so we used freckles to “glue” all the facial design components together. I could have called her “Mirai Semi-real,” but “Future” seemed more fitting.
“With Smart Doll, the future is in your hands” is another slogan in Smart Doll Land that is printed on the default sports bra set.
When Smart Doll launched in 2014, we only had Mirai, which meant that folks who purchased a Smart Doll were literally holding the future (Mirai) in their hands. Fast forward to 2023, and this slogan holds even more significance.
In our early years, if we had solely focused on maximizing profits, we likely wouldn’t have survived until now. Instead, we focused on the future and prioritized R&D and improvements of our existing products.
While building a business with a focus on the present is relatively straightforward since the results can be quickly seen in the numbers, prioritizing the future is more challenging since the results are not immediate.
Sometimes it can be disheartening when the fruits of your labor cannot be seen for months or even years on end, but it's important to remember that every step of the journey is valuable and contributes to the final outcome.
Smart Doll’s longevity is a testament to the effectiveness of focusing on the long-term future rather than prioritizing short-term gains, and this strategy has allowed us to build a sustainable and successful business.
Future serves as a reminder that a focus on the long-term is crucial if you want your business (or career) to succeed in the long run.
Soft vinyl, while a wonderful material, is prone to scuff marks. While these are almost invisible on Cinnamon or Tea skin tones, they can be more noticeable on Cocoa. To address this, we provide a free Melamine sponge upon request with your order. Include a note in the order field requesting the "free melamine sponge."
When removing scuff marks, gently buff the surface with the sponge in a circular motion. If the scuff is on the face, take extra care to avoid disturbing the makeup. The process may leave a bit of sponge residue, but it's easily brushed off. Following these steps, scuffs will either vanish or become significantly less apparent.
Please be aware that due to the slush casting process, minor blemishes can occur, which might be more visible on the Cocoa skin tone. If you anticipate this as a potential issue, we recommend considering this factor before purchasing.
We often hear feedback suggesting that our cocoa skin tone dolls pose a challenge to photograph. For those finding it difficult, consider researching photography techniques or trying out camera apps that offer adjustable exposure settings.
It's worth noting that this advice isn't exclusive to cocoa dolls - it can equally apply to our cinnamon skin tones, where overexposure can be a concern. A slight adjustment of exposure settings (and willingness to learn) can go a long way in getting the perfect shot.
Soft vinyl, while a wonderful material, is prone to scuff marks. While these are almost invisible on Cinnamon or Tea skin tones, they can be more noticeable on Cocoa. To address this, we provide a free Melamine sponge upon request with your order. Include a note in the order field requesting the "free melamine sponge."
When removing scuff marks, gently buff the surface with the sponge in a circular motion. If the scuff is on the face, take extra care to avoid disturbing the makeup. The process may leave a bit of sponge residue, but it's easily brushed off. Following these steps, scuffs will either vanish or become significantly less apparent.
Please be aware that due to the slush casting process, minor blemishes can occur, which might be more visible on the Cocoa skin tone. If you anticipate this as a potential issue, we recommend considering this factor before purchasing.
We often hear feedback suggesting that our cocoa skin tone dolls pose a challenge to photograph. For those finding it difficult, consider researching photography techniques or trying out camera apps that offer adjustable exposure settings.
It's worth noting that this advice isn't exclusive to cocoa dolls - it can equally apply to our cinnamon skin tones, where overexposure can be a concern. A slight adjustment of exposure settings (and willingness to learn) can go a long way in getting the perfect shot.