Smart Doll
Prowess (Cinnamon)
Smart Doll
Prowess (Cinnamon)
- Learn more about availability Learn more about availability
- Release Date 発売日 - 2019/11/21
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は CINNAMON CINNAMON
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollprowess
So we had a bunch of milk Prowess dev heads laying around in a box until one day I saw them on the desk of our wig stylist. Development heads cant be sold so sometimes they are used to hold the wigs as our stylist styles each and every wig. The milk Prowess looked really cute and I said that one day we should make a milk version but left it on the back burner to give Prowess Cocoa her prime time. However when we got round to do proper testing for a product, she looked so much better in Cinnamon.
Choosing the red for the cheeks took quite a few attempts to get the color right - the deep red ones looked like fresh blood while the purpleish reds looked like dry blood! The final version is a nice balance.
So we had a bunch of milk Prowess dev heads laying around in a box until one day I saw them on the desk of our wig stylist. Development heads cant be sold so sometimes they are used to hold the wigs as our stylist styles each and every wig. The milk Prowess looked really cute and I said that one day we should make a milk version but left it on the back burner to give Prowess Cocoa her prime time. However when we got round to do proper testing for a product, she looked so much better in Cinnamon.
Choosing the red for the cheeks took quite a few attempts to get the color right - the deep red ones looked like fresh blood while the purpleish reds looked like dry blood! The final version is a nice balance.