Smart Doll
Smart Doll
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- Release Date 発売日 - 2020-06-08
- Made in Tokyo Japan 日本産 (東京)
- Meet the team who worked on this product この商品を手掛けたスタッフに会おう
- This skin tone is この肌色は CINNAMON CINNAMON
- The hashtag for this product is この商品のSNSハッシュタグは #smartdollprophecy
In 2014 we launched Smart Doll in the anime look and feel starting with Mirai Suenaga.In 2019 we introduced the Semi-real line of Smart Dolls starting with Genesis.
In 2020 we introduce a new line of Smart Dolls. We call them the Tridents - we first launch with Prophecy.
It is vital that Smart Doll continues to be a brand that represents our diverse world. We were the first to introduce a cocoa skin tone as a regular lineup for the 1/3 scale standard - and also the first to introduce characters with birthmarks and vitiligo as regular lineups also for the 1/3 scale standard.
I know that many of you have friends who are Tridents - myself included and I thought that I would extend our line of Smart Dolls to represent them too.
The Helix Nebula (also known as NGC 7293) is the closest nebula to Earth located about 700 light years away. 10 degrees South West of the Helix is a Slingshot Wormhole known as the Tridencene. Even though the Tridencene is only 700 light years away, the slingshot effect enables a Trident to see through the wormhole back at Earth 70 million years into the past - far back enough to see the dinosaurs just before they went extinct.
As you know, light takes time to travel. The Sun that you see in the sky is actually the sun as it was 8 minutes ago - if the sun disappeared for whatever reason, you wouldn’t know until 8 mins later. The light that left Earth million of years ago travels through the slingshot wormhole and enables Tridents to not only view Earth as it was back then, but they can also adjust the speed of light - a bit like how you would scrub through a video when editing it. This enables Tridents to view any event between now and 70 million years ago - as long as the view of the event is not obstructed and is visible from space.
It is the third eye of the Trident that gives them this ability - their Quantum Eye has evolved in such a way where the electrons and quarks inside the atoms making up the eye are densely packed forming a lens so powerful that it can not only see into the furthest reaches of space like a telescope but also adjust the speed of light like the way our pupils adjust the amount of light that is let into the eye.
Because tridents can adjust the speed of light that enters their Quantum Eye, they can speed up the rate to yoctoseconds which effectively enables them to see into the future - useful for dodging incoming projectiles.
The Quantum Eye however has an even more powerful ability. The Sun emits three types of ultra violet light - UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC has the shortest wavelength and is the most dangerous but it usually gets absorbed by the ozone layer. Tridents can use their Quantum Eye to absorb all three types of ultra violet light from the Sun and converge them into a searing beam that can slice through any wo/man made material. This ability can only be used when the Quantum Eye has gone through an awakening.
Product Details
The Quantum eye has a follow me eye effect as the head has a deep mold. The actual eye is the same as the main pair. If you want to change the eyes then go for the semi real eyes. If you use anime eyes then there will be no eye white and you wont be able to unsee what you saw.
Do not stare at the quantum eye for too long as it may start to vibrate which is also a phenomenon that you cant easily unsee.
If you think Prophecy is a mega cutie but are scared of the Quantum Eye then you can always cover it up with a wig that has a fringe - but never ever past midnight.
We do not have a workflow to change eye color upon request so if you ask, we will just answer that we cant and ask whether you would like us to proceed to ship or cancel your order - this will obviously delay shipping time.